Business Zone

Business Opportunities
It allows the investor to rent a store within the Shopping Center of ZonAustral. Its general regulations are contained in the current Internal Operations Regulation. It allows the investor to rent a space, usually in hallways or special locations, for the development of small businesses. Today, more than 10 entrepreneurial projects, businesses and services operate in this format. The franchisee can rent a piece land or lots with building or buildings to interested Users, such building could have been built by a third party or can be built by the interested User. The franchisee can rent a piece land or lots where the User undertakes the necessary construction investments for the development of their own business. Currently, there are more than 170,000 m2 leased by Users, and there are about 30,000 m2 urbanized space available. The development of these real estate projects are regulated by the Internal Operations Regulation and Internal Construction Ordinance. Allows the User, whether or not is a land User or store User, to store goods in the public warehouse or cold storage warehouse designed for this purpose. This alternative makes easier the installation to Users who are beginning to operate under Free Trade franchise and do not have their own facilities, or for those who are operating in the form of direct entry. Allows the User to store their goods in open areas. Goods can be stored in bulk or in containers, trucks, among others, as well as refrigerated containers. In recent years, these two types of business have brought great dynamism to the franchise, especially for supplies and raw materials for the industry. Direct Entry is the process by which the goods enter Free Trade Zone and leave it within the next 24 hours to its destination, maintaining the transport. This method allows reducing operating costs, primarily for storage and transportation. On the other hand, when it comes to goods whose dimension, volume, type, nature or any other condition, disproportionately increase the transportation costs, the User will be able to request to Customs to authorize the Documentary Entry, without the goods to enter physically to the complex. The Extension Zone, by definition, is operated under Documentary Entry, therefore, the goods are supervised on site. It is allowed to import and sale second hand goods in Free Trade Zone franchise, although there are some restrictions when trading imported second hand goods within the Shopping Center according to Internal Operations Regulation. The second hand goods can be commercialized in stores outside the Shopping Center and in operations with Direct or Documentary Entry. Examples: clothing, machinery, vehicles, spare parts, supplies, among others. It is a “customs destination” by which Free Trade Zone User can export goods abroad or to another Free Trade Zone. You can redirect both, foreign goods stored in Free Trade Zone as well as those goods which have foreign supplies incorporated. For example, goods can be sent from Punta Arenas Free Trade Zone to Iquique Free Trade Zone, and vice versa. What we want to build for Magellan family. During March 2013, the amendment of the contract of the Free Trade Zone Concession was finally approved. This amendment will increase substantially the quantity of commercial offer and entertainment of the Shopping Center. This new development has a wide consent in the Magellan community, as anticipated by the GfK Adimark 2012 survey (leading market research and public opinion company in Chile), by demonstrating the high approval that the Magellan community would give to the initiative. The new project has the following highlights: The project implies a 31% increase of useful area of the Shopping Center; this area will be located in the so-called Manzana 1, immediately to the west of the ice-skating rink, and with direct access to the West Access and the parking lot. Expected results:
1. Renting a store/Shopping center
2. Renting a kiosk space
3. Land for rent, with constructions
4. Land for rent without constructions
5. Renting a public warehouse storage space
6. Renting yard and esplanade
7. Direct and documentary entry
8.Imported second hand goods
9. Re-expeditions
10. New Projects