General Regime
Commercial Development
Nowadays in Free Trade Zone it is allowed to develop trade and sales under the general tax regime (VAT included sales and income tax), same way as any trader, business or service would operate outside Free Trade Zone. This is how within the complex we can find kiosks, service companies, banks, money exchange agencies, food courts, coffee shops, entertainment areas and stores. Authorization for such type of operations is contained in the Customs Resolution Nº 1.834/2003.
Pros and Benefits
In its more than 53 hectares (130 acres), along with its extension zone, a strong commercial, trading and industrial activity is carried out, where currently more than 960 users perform diverse actions, such as: imports, exports, purchasing, storage, exhibition, transformation, packaging, processing and marketing, receiving more than 9,6 million visitors per year, with total sales exceeding US$ 300 million annually.