The franchise
The Franchise
ZonAustral is a Public State Concession run by Sociedad de Rentas Inmobiliarias Ltda. (SRI), a Chilean private own company that since August 2007, and for a period of 23 years, is fully in charge of the concession, management and development of Free Trade Zone franchise.
Since SRI took over of the concession of the franchise, has invested in the FTZ around US$12 million, which results in:
- New perimeter fence.
- New public warehousing and dry storage.
- New headquarter building and Customs Administration facilities.
- New Customs warehouse.
- New vehicle storage yard.
- New cold storage warehouses.
- Shopping Center upgrade.
- New building and ice rink.
- New access Av. Bulnes and new parking lot.
- New visitors access Av. Costanera.
- Enabling cargo access in North entrance.
In its more than 53 hectares (130 acres), along with its extension zone, a strong commercial, trading and industrial activity is carried out, where currently more than 960 users perform diverse actions, such as: imports, exports, purchasing, storage, exhibition, transformation, packaging, processing and marketing, receiving more than 7,9 million visitors per year, with total sales exceeding US$ 300 million annually.The new FTZ Concession Contract includes high social redistribution elements, as it ensures 28% of the gross income received by the Franchisee to be paid annually to local Government, adding it to their annual regular budget in order to develop public projects for the community. Thus, SRI has contributed to local Government, in the first 8 years of the franchise, more than US$18 million, between the down payment and the annual payments.ZonAustral, SRI, is part of Fischer Group, a diversified conglomerate which has invested over the last 8 years more than US$115 million in Punta Arenas for the development of the Free Trade Zone and the Hotel & Casino Dreams, creating new poles of commercial, trade, social and touristic development.